Longest paddling stage of the race is set to commence on the Novčica river, its stream will guide teams to the calm course of the Lika river. Both the region of Croatia and the river itself share the name of Lika. As teams navigate their kayaks through the Lika canyon, they'll witness the untamed beauty of the surroundings. However, the natural flow of the Lika river met an unfortunate interruption with the construction of the Kruščica dam back in 1971. This moment altered the landscape, and it will alter the teams smooth cruising. Upon reaching the Kruščica dam, teams will face a unique challenge. They must temporarily disembark from their kayaks and utilize trolleys to transport their kayaks beyond the dams confines. This maneuver will ensure a seamless transition to the second part of the river and allow teams to continue their paddle to the picturesque village of Gornji Kosinj.

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